What We Do

Interregional Collaboration projects


The Vanguard Initiative is getting involved in EU projects consistent with its regional membership political commitment of implementing smart specialisation strategies, advancing technological developments through interregional collaboration, supporting demonstration and piloting of new European value-chains, and making the Vanguard Initiative a powerful force for European technological change and advancement.


Vanguard initiative selected to participate in the EU’s Partnerships for Regional Innovation

The Vanguard Initiative was selected along with 63 regions, seven cities, and four Member States to participate in the pilot project for

SAPHIRe final conference & Smart Health Pilot event

On the afternoon of the 26 of April, the Smart Health Pilot organised its first physical ple

Progress update from the Nano pilot

NeMs4BIO democase is preparing a project proposal for the I3 call The leaders of NeMs4BIO democase, Imec (Flanders) and Oost agency are preparing a proj

Progress update from the 3DP pilot

SMEs-led demonstration projects recently finalised, with promising results!

Bioeconomy upcoming event

Good practices and built capacities for cross-regional cooperation in the Alpine Region and beyond Milan 11 M

Progress update from the Smart Health Pilot

RegMed XB to become the fifth demo case of the Smart Health Pilot RegMed XB “Towards industrial-scale organoid-based tissue manufacturing”

Smart Health Pilot Info day

On Tuesday 28 June from 09:00 to 10:30 the Vanguard Initiative Smart Health Pilot is hosting an Info Day Webinar to provide an opportunity to EU regions interested in joining the

VI Regional Conference - Malopolska

On Tuesday 7 June, the Małopolska Region will organize the Vanguard Initiative Regional Conference.

Shaping bio-based value chains through cross-regional cooperation

The transition toward a greener and more circular production form based on renewable raw materials represents an essential step toward competitive and su

NRM Pilot Mid Term Reviews

On Tuesday 10 May, the Vanguard Initiative Pilots Projects will present their most important updates to members. 

Friends of Smart Specialisation at the RSA Regions in Recovery Festival

Friends of Smart Specialisation are pleased to have been accepted to organise a session at the second Regions in Recovery Confere