Member Profile


Presentation of the Region

Located in Northern Italy, the Emilia-Romagna is a leading region in Europe in terms of economic dynamism and quality of life.
This region ranks among the best in terms of manufacturing sector performances, SMEs innovation capacity, employment in medium and high tech manufacturing and knowledge intensive services, patenting, export, FDI attraction, and new business creation.
The region hosts local branches of several national research institutions and has a top education and training system, including six universities and a polytechnic network.
A High-Technology Network made of Industrial research laboratories and Innovation centres, that are hosted within 10 Technopoles, provides technology transfer services and innovation support to local enterprises.
The region is well known for mechanical and automation companies, automotive and motorcycle brands, food production, biomedical and pharmaceutical companies and ceramic industry which have developed in the form of large and successful industrial clusters. Emilia-Romagna qualifies as an international Data Valley with top world supercomputers, cutting edge data centres and a wide ‘big data community’ with policies supporting new investments and a dynamic business environment.
Sustainability is a priority: a recent regional policy instrument (Pact for Work and Climate) is directly involving territorial actors to relaunch a vision where competitiveness and low environmental impact are integrated.

RIS3 Priorities

In continuity with the previous programming period, the new Emilia-Romagna RIS3 2021-2027 confirms all five original specialisation areas that are fundamental for the regional economic and innovation policy: agro-food, mechatronics and motorisitics, building and construction, health and well-being, culture and creativity, In addition, two new strategic areas are included: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and Green Tech.
The 15 priority domains in our smart specialisation strategy are:
- Clean energy & Energy safety and security
- Circular economy
- Climate change and natural resources (water, air, land)
- Blue growth
- Innovative materials
- Digital transformation, Artificial intelligence and Big data
- Manufacturing 4.0
- ICT for Space and Land communication
- Sustainable and innovative mobility
- Smart cities and communities
- Valorisation of cultural heritage, cultural and creative industries, tourism
- Wellness nutrition and wellbeing
- Health
- Social innovation
- Inclusiveness and social cohesion

Regional Address

Viale Aldo Moro, 52
40127 Bologna BO

Brussels Office Address

Rue du Montoyer 21
1000 Bruxelles

The New Nano-enabled Products Pilot invites you to take part in the next Plenary Meeting - 12-13 November 2018, Bologna (Italy)

The New Nano-enabled Products Pilot within the Vanguard Initiative will hold a Plenary Meeting on 12-13 November 2018 in Bologna, Italy.