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Vanguard’s 3DP pilot: New demo-case for lifelong learning in additive manufacturing receives funding through Horizon 2020 EIT Raw

The project for lifelong learning in additive manufacturing (LILIAM) is a project within the Vanguard Initiative’s demo-case on Tooling, Machinery… READ MORE

success, strategy, business
Position statement: The Vanguard Initiative welcomes the ambitious renewed agenda for EU industrial and innovation policies in the

The Vanguard Initiative welcomes the proposals in the European Commission’s Multiannual Financial Framework package, which represent an ambitious… READ MORE

The New Nano-enabled Products Pilot invites you to take part in the next Plenary Meeting - 12-13 November 2018, Bologna (Italy)

The New Nano-enabled Products Pilot within the Vanguard Initiative will hold a Plenary Meeting on 12-13 November 2018 in Bologna, Italy. The meeting… READ MORE

More than 60 participants from 14 regions in ESM Pilot meeting

“De and Remanufacturing”, “Smart and Adaptive” and “Digital and Virtual” demo-cases from ESM pilot met on the 29th of June in Milan to present their… READ MORE

The Directors of the Vanguard Initiative’s members gather for a High-level meeting in Brussels

On 28 June the Vanguard Initiative held its annual High-level Directors’ Meeting in Brussels. During the meeting, the Directors took several steps… READ MORE

financial, analytics, blur
The Vanguard Initiative welcomes European Commission’s commitment to Smart Specialisation in the EU Multiannual Financial Framewor

Directors from the 32 Vanguard Initiative regions today joined in welcoming the European Commission’s continued advancement of Smart Specialisation… READ MORE

17th of May - Watify Matchmaking Event on Nanowires

A matchmaking event within the demo-case for Nanowires will be held on the 17th of May, in Lund, Sweden. The objective is to showcase the potential… READ MORE

Recommendations for new members on how to organise membership in the Vanguard Initaitive

Region Värmland (SE) joined the Vanguard Initiative in November 2017. To learn from other members, Region Värmland interviewed four regions on how… READ MORE

event, auditorium, conference
Wallonia participated at the first European Cluster Policy Forum

On 22 February 2018, national representatives from 25 EU member states, Commission officials and cluster policy experts met in Brussels during EU… READ MORE

innovation, business, information
The Vanguard Initiative in the spotlight at the ‘Competitiveness & Growth’ working party of the Competitiveness Council

Following the recent publication of the communication “Strengthening Innovation in Europe's Regions: Strategies for resilient, inclusive and… READ MORE

city, smartphone, control
Industrial Modernisation during Smart Regions conference

During the Smart Regions conference in Helsinki, June 1-2, the Vanguard Initiative was well represented both in the panel discussions and debates and… READ MORE

block chain, smartphone, control
Vanguard Initiative in latest issue of Panorama Magazine

The Vanguard Initiative is highlighted as an important driver for interregional co-investment in European value chains in an article in the latest… READ MORE