On the 30th of June was held the Mid Term event of the Digital Transformation demo-case, co-coordinated by Sergio Gusmeroli (Politecnico di Milano, Lombardy), Coed de Graaf (Province of Noord-Brabant, South Netherlands), and Minna Lanz (TUT, Tampere). The demo-case is aimed at validating and demonstrating “Industry 4.0” technologies and solutions applied to manufacturing for the development of human-centred digital/virtual factories.
During the event, specific AI-driven solutions have been presented through the AI REGIO framework. AI REGIO, in fact, is an H2020 funded project developing a Digital Innovation Hubs network to boost the European manufacturing transformation based on Artificial Intelligent, and it demonstrates several digital solutions through a series of experiments in three main areas: product engineering and lifecycle management, factory efficient and sustainable manufacturing, quality control and predictive maintenance, robotics, and human interaction.
Currently, the AI REGIO project represents a huge opportunity for interested regions, because it has launched Open Calls specifically addressed the definition of new AI-driven experiments and use-cases. More information on funding and eligibility is available here.
Furthermore, a session of the Mid Term event was focused on the collection of new use-cases, also beyond AI-driven solutions. The Expression of Interest could be detailed in a proper document, where it is requested to describe the experiment and the involved regions, to analyse the business scenario, to highlight the potential barriers and challenges, and to describe the existing technological infrastructure. The template was shown and circulated during the event, and it is available on the ESM Pilot website, section Resources.