
3DP Pilot: Funding secured for the implementation of SME-led cross regional demonstration projects

3DP Pilot: Funding secured for the implementation of SME-led cross regional demonstration projects

Ryan Titley 2 minutes

Early 2020, the 3DP PAN EU project (a European Parliament supported project managed by DG GROW that has been generated based on the activities and needs of the 3DP Pilot) launched its ‘Call for proposals to provide services and funds to SMEs to support pan-European demonstration projects based on 3DP technologies’. This call was launched with the objective of testing and validating up to 10 industrial demonstration 3D printing-based projects in various application fields, making use of the pan-European platform. In particular, the objective is reached by supporting SMEs willing to carry out feasibility, testing and validation of a 3D printing prototype, making use of the equipment and related manpower made available by at least two facility centres mapped in

Various proposals were generated by the 3DP Pilot and were submitted. Many 3DP Pilot-generated proposals were then positively evaluated by external evaluators, which had the following consequences:

  • 325k€ grant was secured for projects in Vanguard 3DP Pilot Members Regions,
  • This includes 200k€ for projects generated by ‘demo-case-dedicated activities, directly contributing to demo-case deployment and implementation (the other projects generated by parties within the members regions are specific cases outside the scope of the demo case implemented currently). 

These projects will now be implemented in the coming weeks and months, enabling SMEs across the EU to develop, among others, the following solutions and applications:

  1. Hybrid and lighter automotive components
  2. Highly customised functional injection moulds to produce thermoplastic parts for agricultural machinery, optimising for weight reduction and forest fire prevention
  3. Lightweight, flexible, smart and additively manufactured robot gripper
  4. Innovative parts for insect breeding activities for food industry etc. 

In the meantime, the 3DP Pilot will continue working on identifying and trying to secure funding solutions for other projects in the pipeline and will keep you informed on the progress made.