Presentation of the Region
Industry and innovation are in Piemonte’s DNA.
Well-known as Italian traditional centre of car industry, in the past decades Piemonte faced global transformations and diversified its economy by building on its strong manufacturing capabilities, its academic excellence and its rich innovation ecosystem.
Piemonte is well above EU average for private investments in R&D and employment/export in medium-high tech manufacturing, and is home of renowned universities, research organizations, clusters, scientific-technology parks, incubators, industrial leaders and dynamic SMEs.
In 2008, Regione Piemonte anticipated the Smart Specialization trends supporting innovation in most relevant traditional and emerging industries, launching regional policies on Innovation Clusters and Technology Platforms.
Current S3 aims to fully exploit this innovation potential towards a successful industrial transition and it largely confirms support to those industries (Automotive, Aerospace, Mechatronics, Life Sciences, Green Chemistry, Advanced Materials, Energy and Clean Technologies, Agrifood, Textile, ICT) by adding distinctive features able to maximize innovation uptake: a stronger focus on KETs; Smart Manufacturing and Resource efficiency as key drivers of regional economy towards Industry 4.0 and circular economy; the support to open research infrastructures; a strengthened partnership with regional stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem.
RIS3 Priorities
Life Sciences
Green Chemistry
Advanced Materials
Energy and Clean Tech