
Smart AM for Sustainable Production - Online meeting/webinar

Smart AM for Sustainable Production - Online meeting/webinar

Mathieu Didry 2 minutes

The VI 3DP pilot is pleased to announce that they are organising, together with their highly active member Polimi, an online meeting/webinar focusing on ‘Smart AM for Sustainable Production’.

This meeting will take place on the 17th of May 2023, from 10.00 to 12.00 and will pursue the following goals:

  • Building a community of organisations interested in the topic of ‘Smart AM for Sustainable Production’, i.e., the development and uptake of 3DP-related solutions that contribute to a more sustainable production.
  • Identifying expertise, needs and ambitions of the organisations (SMEs, facility centres, clusters, etc.) willing to collaborate on that topic.  
  • Identifying possible specific areas of cooperation, taking into account the synergies and complementarities of organisations.
    • E.g. joint development of project proposal towards specific calls?
    • E.g. data sharing?
    • Others?


This event is hosted by the VI 3DP Pilot and Polimi (Marco Luigi Grasso and Bianca Maria Colosimo are the leaders of the new demo case focusing on Smart AM for Sustainable Production). Please register here asap and by the 15th of April at the latest. Please note that:

  • Registered organisations will then receive a short questionnaire aimed at identifying their expertise, needs, ambitions in the field of Smart AM for Sustainable production. Answers to these questionnaires will help us in preparing the meeting and in converging interests, towards developing mutually benefitting activities.
  • Organisations interested in presenting their specific expertise, needs and ambitions can express such interest in the questionnaire and will be invited to take the floor during the event.
This is an online event